About Us

This blog is established to pen down Justin and Priscilla's relationship journey. It is imperative- we believe- that couples adopt a Christ-centered relationship and it is our prayer that our blog can be a living testimony for other couples out there. Being in a committed relationship takes effort and that little thing called 'faith'. God Bless and we hope to hear your thoughts.

Monday, July 19, 2010


As i was walking Pris to AMK central to catch a train home, we encountered 2 people along the way which i would determine, as potentially dangerous people. My apologies for being so quick to judge, but there was first this guy whom i've seen at another AMK busstop blowing a whistle at buses with the intention of telling them to "drive off soon or else...". There he was last night blowing his whistle guiding traffic at the middle of the road. To put it straight, he was just blowing the whistle at vehicles on the road, he wasn't actually guiding anything. We saw 2 ladies scurring off away from him, but the both of us continued to wait for the green man before crossing the road. Second person that we encountered was just 3 mins after we saw that, let's call him the 'whistle-blower'. It was a man in his 30s in a ragged yellow shirt. He approached the both of us asking for cigarettes. We walked past him knowing that we have none of it and giving him money will only encourage him to buy potentially harmful white tobacco-filled sticks. What if he became so desperate he started clubbing us with items he had with him?

Then as i walked back, i thought of the story of Moses bringing the Isrealites out of Egypt in the book of Exodus and the Lord's Prayer.
The Lord's Prayer has this verse:
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. -Matthew 6:13
And all along Psalms (in Psalms 59:2, 71:4, 97:10) we could see how the Bible talks about delivering us from evil and bloodthirsty men. We can only be comforted that God may not always keep us from evil, but He promisses us that He'll be there to see us through. I guess we'll always face tough and trying times, but i'm assured that He's there to carry us through.

Recently, 2 of my good friends have broken up with their boyfriends. I think for whatever reasons, i would choose to believe that God is in control of everything. Man's finite minds cannot see or understand why the world may seem to be crashing down on them, but trust that God's infinite mind is working things out.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Accounts of miracles happening from the Isreali people

Managed to watch a good majority of this video series which i managed to borrow from the library. Against All Odds: Isreal Survives has this investigative journalist running around Isreal looking up people from the wars and spys and having them recount their experiences with amazing miracles that took place. I've never gone into the details of the wars that Isreal fought in recent times but I do know that they have triumphed. I'd recomend this vid to guys who are skpetical of Bible stories which may seem eons ago. This is modern day miracles with Isreali Merkava's and AP Mines behind dramatized scenes.

We may be facing a whole lot of $h!t at work sometimes, life may seem as if there is no U-turn out, but look at the trials that these guys go through: zero ammunition left as approoaching enemies draw close; a tank commander being struck by a HE round and yet finding the strength to pull himself out of the burning tank; a section of scouts realising that they are stuck in the middle of a minefield. I think God doesn't give us an easy way out just because we are Christians. He just wants us to put our trust in Him.

