About Us

This blog is established to pen down Justin and Priscilla's relationship journey. It is imperative- we believe- that couples adopt a Christ-centered relationship and it is our prayer that our blog can be a living testimony for other couples out there. Being in a committed relationship takes effort and that little thing called 'faith'. God Bless and we hope to hear your thoughts.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book review

Just finished reading this book: I married you by Walter Trobisch (1971) which was given to me by Vincent.
Both Pris and I took turns reading it, and since i'm a gentleman, i let her read it first. This book is something all young couples and couples who are thinking of getting married and are serious in a relationship, should read. I hope this book would shed some light to what the Bible has to say about relationships, pre marital sex and marriage.

Just a snippet of what i have learnt:

- Marriage is about 3 things- 'leaving', 'cleaving' and 'becoming one flesh'.
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his
wife, and they will become one flesh." -Genesis 2:24 (New International Version)
- One can never be married until he leaves. 'Leaving' here meant that a couple, once married, leaves both parents to start a life together. There must be a clear cut.

-'Cleaving' meant that the couple sticks together. As Trobisch illustrated, when a husband comes home, he embraces the wife first before the children, showing that both husband and wife are closest to each other.

- On 'becoming one flesh', couples share everything they have- material possessions and physical bodies.

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